
We think about making a “Power Move” as taking on more — a bigger title, more responsibility, more money, more authority. More. You know what I mean like corporate takeovers in boardrooms when one company makes a move to take over another. Or in politics where politicians and political parties work to out maneuver their opponents on issues, in the media, and at the polls. Or in the case of my guilty pleasure, the over-the-top, TV show Empire where Cookie and Lucious make endless tit for tat moves to take control of the family’s music empire.

But that’s not the kind of power move that I’m talking about. This summer I made the ultimate power move — a Grace Move. After nine years, I left a corporate job that took me to nearly every corner of the world to walk in my brilliance. That’s the new power move. Making a move to connect who you truly are with what’s really important to you, and have everything thing you do reflect that. To walk in your brilliance is to fully align your passion, gifts and talents, and a nurturing environment.

To walk in your brilliance, is not just about doing well. It’s about achieving a level of success that is deeply gratifying, transformative, and enormously impactful with the power to elevate you, your company, your community, and the world around you. That is powerful. Oprah helps people to live their best lives. Bill Gates revolutionized technology. Mother Theresa humanized the suffering of the poor. This is what it looks like to walk in your brilliance.

For me leaving my job was a bold decision to listen to my soul. I left to follow my passion and devote myself full time to building Grit + Grace, The Movement. I’m not gonna lie. This took a lot of courage. But I did it by focusing on you. Your Ambition. Your Self-Care. And that is what’s really important to me.

I am on a mission to help women walk in their brilliance wrapped in grace!

If you’re ready to take charge of your career, there’s no better time than right now. Join my g2Coach community today and gain clarity, confidence, and a game plan to transform your growth with coaches, resources, empowering content, and an amazing tribe of ambitious women eager to support one another. Get your first month’s membership for just $1!