
You know you’re capable of more. And you know that you’re holding yourself back. You spend more time in your head second guessing yourself than living out loud from the seat of your soul. But why? Why do we keep getting in our own way?

I know you. I AM you. WE are going to do better together.

I struggle with these same issues and maybe like you, I don’t have the answer to why. But I do have a question that could help lead us to the answer. Here’s the question.

Are you tired?

Tired of coming up short for realizing your full potential. Tired of falling into the same patterns that don’t serve you time and time again. Or how about this one – tired of allowing your fear to kidnap you from the life you actually want.

Clues to the “why” can be found in a self audit. Many of us move through life on automated values and belief systems that we inherited from our upbringing, culture, past experiences and even our own fear. We’ve accepted them without question or inspection even though they may not serve us.

Sometimes you have to unlearn things in order to move forward toward the life you desire and deserve. What do you need to unlearn that’s keeping you from walking in the brilliance you were born with?

The life you really want, wants you back. Here’s a list of 10 Things to Unlearn that can be the launch pad into your best life.

Good luck with that self-audit!

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